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1949          Provincial Painting Awards from Educación y Descanso, Ciudad Real

1950          Special Award (Artistic Drawing) from the School of Arts and Crafts, Madrid

1950–51    Prize for Drawing from the Antique and of Drapery, Academy of Fine Arts                                of San Fernando, Madrid

                  Drawing Prize, Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid

1951–52    Prize for Life Drawing, First Course at the Academy of Fine Arts of San                                    Fernando, Madrid

                  Carmen del Río’s Painting Award at the Academy of Fine Arts of San                                        Fernando, Madrid

1952–53    Estado’s Award for Colouring and Composition, First Course at the                                          Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid

                  Carmen del Río’s Painting Award at the Academy of Fine Arts of San                                        Fernando, Madrid

1953–54    Madrigal’s Award for Colouring and Composition, Second Course at the                                  Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid

                  Bursary Award El Paular for the Course of Landscape at the Academy of                                Fine Arts of San  Fernando, Madrid

1955          Travel Grant to Italy from the Ministry of Education (III National Competition                              for Plastic Artists), Spain

1957          Jaén County Council Award from the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Spain

1958          Molino de Plata Award from the Regional Exhibition of Valdepeñas, Spain             

                  Still Life Award from the Fundación Rodríguez Acosta, Granada, which                                    consisted in a travel bursary that he used to visit Greece                       

                  Travel bursary from the Ministry of Education, Spain, which he used to travel to                      Rome

1959          Molino de Plata Award from the Regional Exhibition of Valdepeñas, Spain

1961          Scholarship from the Fundación Juan March, Spain

1965          National Architecture Prize, Spain,  shared with the Architect Heliodoro Dols                            given it was a joint work

1974          Prize of the City of Darmstadt, Germany

1983          Pablo Iglesias Award, Madrid


                  Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts, Spain

1985          Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts, Ministry of Culture, Spain


                  Golden ABC, Madrid

1986          Gold Medal of Castilla La Mancha, Spain

1990          Gold Medal of the Community of Madrid, Spain

1992          Tomás Francisco Prieto Award from the Mint House, Madrid

1993          Fellow of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid

2003          Prize of Plastic Arts and Architecture of El Mundo and the Community of                                  Castilla La Mancha

2004          Medal of Honour from the Menéndez Pelayo International University, Santader                        City of Alcala de Henares Award for the Arts, Spain

                  Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York

2006          Velázquez Prize for Plastic Arts, Ministry of Culture, Spain

2009          Penagos Drawing Prize of the Mapfre Foundation, Madrid

2010          Gold Medal of the City Council of Madrid

2011          Doctor Honoris Causa Degree by the University of Navarra

2012          Prince of Viana Award of Culture, Navarra                    

                  International Medal of Arts of the Community of Madrid

2013          Honorary Member of the University Faculty of Arts, University of Alcalá,                                  Madrid

2014          Doctor Honoris Causa Degree by the University of Murcia                 

                  2014 Rosa d’Oro della Milanesiana Award, Milan, Italy

2015          Medal of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Seville                                                      2015 Fuera de Serie Arts Award, Expansión, Spain                   

                  Raíces de Europa Award, Spain

2017          Gold Medal of the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona, Spain                   

                  Honorary Academician of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos,                                Valencia                 

                  Averroes Gold Award City of Córdoba 2017 to the Arts, Spain

2018          Doctor Honoris Causa Degree by the Universidad Complutense, Madrid

                  Medal of Honor by the University Carlos III, Madrid                 

                  Honour Member of the Association of Architecture of Madrid (COAM)

2019          Fundación de Fomento Europeo Prize, Barcelona

2020          Award Florencio Galindo de las Letras, Ávila

2021          Honour Member of the Institución Gran Duque de Ávila, Diputación de Ávila


2022          XVI Sport Cultura Barcelona Awards, Fundación RBA, Barcelona

[July, 2022]

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