The process of digitisation of the movie has been conducted at the Fillmoteca de Catalunya, where the 35mm negatives of the original film have been scanned at 6K and the sound has been also digitised from the analog magnetic tracks. Thanks to this digitization, of such high quality, scenes shot on video have gained in image quality.
The procedure began in the summer of 2016 and took around a year to be completed under the direct supervision of the director of the film, Víctor Erice, who took the chance to review and subtly change the montage, by reducing its length in 5 minutes.
This new montage was presented in May 2017 at the Cannes Film Festival, coinciding with the twenty-five years of the appearance of the film at the festival.
World rights of the film owned by CAMM CINCO S.L.: estudioantoniolopez@gmail.com
To find out about Mr. Víctor Erice's workshops, please go to the following website: https://www.victorerice.com/

Centro de Restauración de la Filmoteca de Cataluña

Parte del equipo de la digitalización de la película en la Filmoteca de Cataluña

Centro de Restauración de la Filmoteca de Cataluña

Centro de Restauración de la Filmoteca de Cataluña